Friday, January 4, 2008


Well I seem to have been able to redo the Entity classes and get things to work better for Downloading and storing the database. Now I just need to see about getting notes taken care of on a per chapter bases. I think most things will have to be taken care of by chapter. Everything else is appearing to work for now. I would also like to figure out how to get the scroll pane to stay at the top. I will have to play around with that for a little bit. Once I get that and the notes done, I think I will be ready to go for a .1 release. The only "Compilation" I haven't yet gotten with the new entity classes is the Old Testament. Everything else has been gotten without a hitch. I little bit more coding and some outside testing and I should be able to release a 0.1 of it. I think I will tackle footnotes and Profiles/Users for the .2 release, then go back in and add highlighted text, etc for .3. Maybe for the .5 release I will deal with links and linking. i need to come up with a better release plan, so people will know where it is headed and when.