Monday, November 10, 2008

Baby News!

I had another Doctor's appointment today. I lost another 2 pounds and my blood pressure has gone up only slightly. It is still low which explains why I am still knocked out tired. The baby was moving all over the place and had to be followed to hear the heartbeat. It has slowed down a bit. It is now 145 as opposed to 170 last time. We could also hear the baby kicking. It makes a static sound and every time he moved he would kick and then move away. It was like we were invading his privacy. I will keep you updated after my next appointment next month.


Grammyzanne said...

Good to hear heartbeat and movement. Hope the lower weight loss means food is more appetizing these days.

LyndiLou said...

:) You were invading his privacy! ;) Ha ha ha!!! Fun that he's moving around sooo much! Can you feel it yet, or could you just tell because you could hear it?!?

Laura Stringham said...

Don't you love having those appointments as milestones every month? It will be fun to see if you're going to get that boy, I'm excited for you guys.