Thursday, August 28, 2008

School Days

School is back in session for John and I as of yesterday. I was really excited thinking it would give me something to do with my time when the girls are in bed. Then I realized, what about the cleaning, laundry, getting ready for the next on and so on. I am still very much dedicated to my schooling but have now decided I am only going to go half time, that is until I am done with kids or the older ones are in school all day.

Mallory starts preschool on Tuesday and can't seem to talk about anything else. Well I guess that and her Cinderella birthday party. At least 4 hours a week I will have only one child that claims all my attention and I am REALLY looking forward to it. Besides Mallory thinking she is smarter than I am, she has also decided that she is going to tell me what she wants to do as her activity. Everyday she pulls out her leotard and says "Mom I want to take dance." I give her "the look" and she adds "please oh please!" I don't understand where she gets her dramatics. :) John please don't comment on that because, yes, I realize it is from me.

Sadie is in her independent stage. Everything Mallory does she has to do also. The other day at the park Mallory was climbing up a slide so Sadie defiantly walks up to the same slide climbs up and proceeds to climb it. It wasn't until she was sliding back down on her tummy did she realize that it wasn't going to happen. I came over and picked up and told her she can do it when she is older. Sadie squirmed out of my arms and threw herself on the ground to throw a gigantic tantrum. I walked away, once I checked to make sure she couldn't hurt herself, and acted as though she was someone else's child. I love being a Mom!

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