Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Birthday

For my birthday today John and I went on a date. Thankfully this year we didn't have to go to another boring ROTC ball like last year. We ate at Olive Garden and had to think of things to talk about since there were no children there to distract us. Then we went to see Twilight. I loved the books and know that movies are never as good as the books. However, I did enjoy it and had a smile on my face the whole time. The baby did too. I felt it kick for the first time during the fight scene in the ballet studio. Another hint that he is a boy...maybe.
Mallory enjoyed it being my birthday too. She kept asking me if I was excited and I even let he blow out my candles. 27 isn't a lot but I knew she would enjoy the helping part. Here's to another great year!


Jocelyn Robertson said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like you found a great way to spend the day.

Barbara said...

Happy Birthday!!

Janet said...

Happy Birthday!

LyndiLou said...

YAY!!! I'm glad that you had fun!!! How nice that you and John were able to hang out together, just the two of you! :)

Happy Birthday!!!

Shae, Jay, and chillin' said...

Happy, Happy Birthday. Jason and I have a military ball to attend on Thursday. I would not go to one on my birthday. I have nothing to wear and always feel so out of my element at these functions, oh well.

Lynda/Mom said...

Glad you enjoyed your birthday. I spent mine in the hospital this year, but it was OK. I usually don't do anything anyway. Good to hear from you. Aunt Lynda

Jenny R said...

Happy Birthday!! Sounds like you two need more dates without kids so you don't have to work so hard for conversations. ;)