Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I've been tagged!

This is for you Laura. Here is my 8th picture from my 10th folder. It is of Mallory on our sealing day. She is so beautiful!

I am tagging my best friend Lyndi. Here is a great way for you to get more posts on your blog!


Barbara said...

Darling picture of Mallory. What a fun tag.

Laura Stringham said...

she's so pretty! see, isn't this a fen tag?

Laura Stringham said...

i mean fun

Lynda/Mom said...

Gorgeous photo--she is a doll! Aunt Lynda

Jillian said...

Wow she really looks the same!

LyndiLou said...

Ohhh!!! I remember that!!! What a great picture!!! :)

Oh and thanks for the tag. :S I'm pretty sure it's the 3rd taggy thing I need to do. ooOOoops! ;)