Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thanks Lyndi!

Since I tagged Lyndi it was only fair for her to tag me back. Here is my list of " 8 things."

8 things I am passionate about:
Mallory, Sadie, John, LDS faith, cooking, quilting, friends, babies

8 words or phrases I say often:
shut up! (in the sarcastic sense), no way, Mallory be quiet, Sadie no, John!, if I eat that it will make me sick (thanks pregnancy!), Hey Mom!, thank you for being nice to Sadie

8 things I've learned from my past:
people aren't always what they say they are, broken hearts can heal, kids grow up WAY too fast, telling the truth isn't always best :), true friends are hard to find, high school isn't that big of a deal, laugh as often as possible, always work hard even if it is working hard to take a nap.

8 places I would love to go:
New York, Australia, England, Hawaii, San Diego, CA, Italy, Indiana, Georgia

8 things I would love to see:
how my kids lives will be in the future, my grandpa on my mom's side that I never met, what the baby in my tummy is, Australian coast, dolphin up close, all the LDS temples in the world, John's grades, a million dollars (it would be cool to see what it looks like)

8 people I tag:
I tag anyone who would like to participate. Have fun!

1 comment:

LyndiLou said...

YAHOO!!! You're awesome!!! Thanks for doing that! I think it's sooo fun to see what people say... and yet it usually takes me a while to actually do them. I'll have to be better at that! ;)

How are you feeling?!? Any fun cravings I can help you overcome?!?