Saturday, September 13, 2008

Grown Up Tantrum

Do you ever have days where you just want to lay on the floor and throw a tantrum? Today was one of those days. I am feeling horrible and house hunting is not going well. We looked at a house that has a huge yard but the inside is disgusting. There were beer bottles on the floor and broken glass from the windows all over the carpet. I wanted to feel better when we got home, so I decided to look at houses again online. I found the one that we really really want and they lowered their price $10,000 but it is still $50,000 more than we were approved for. Sometimes I would like to nod my head and wrinkle my nose and wish for the money to show up. We still have time before we need to move but I am hoping to do so before my belly gets too big.

Thanks for reading my grown up tantrum!


Grammyzanne said...

That is a rather controlled tantrum. Venting can be good.

I hope the right house for you shows up soon.

LyndiLou said...

If that's all you want to do... and you didn't actually get on the floor and do it... then you're going to be jUUUst fine! ;) You're doing great! I just keep hoping and praying that you'll find just what you need. Don't get discouraged... it will be ok. And if it's not... I'll bring you brownies! :) Love you!

Jillian said...

I'm impressed. If you wouldn't have said that that was your tantrum the thought never would have crossed my mind.